: notes to self : : 11.2005


Friday, November 25, 2005

john cusack || "Thanksgiving Calling"


"Books, movies, tv -- these things matter! Call me shallow!"
-High Fidelity

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

tagged! pt 2

10 Years Ago

I started going to Unionville High School after a year at Stouffville District Secondary School. Can anyone say CULTURE SHOCK?!

5 Years Ago

No longer a teenager and enduring 9am Poetry class MWF (gah)

1 Year Ago

Bumming around the Brampton library and sleeping an extra 3 hours everyday on York Region transit (it only cost me $2.25 each way to get to Brampton!)


my knee started acting up, and i could barely walk down the stairs at Bayview station. Also Mary and I drooled over the photos of cookies in Martha Stewart's holiday magazine.

5 Snacks I Can't Live Without

-chinese buns
-chocolate popsicles

5 Songs I Know All The Words To

Kelly Clarkson-Since You Been Gone
Deliriou5-Lord You Have My Heart
Backstreet Boys-I Want It That Way (Sc-hottie! we're soulmates!!)
John Mayer-Why Georgia
Miss Saigon-Sun and Moon

5 Places I'd Run Away To

-Osaka, Japan
-Vancouver, BC
-Green Gables
-a bookstore

5 Things I'd Never Wear

- a stole
- anything designed by JP Galliano
- a mascot outfit after someone has been in it for an hour or more
- elton john's platforms circa 1973
- a KKK getup

5 Favourite People

you, you, you, you aaaaand... YOU!

5 Bad Habits

- procrastinatus majorus
- impatience
- inability to tell stories well
- indecisive
- shy

5 Biggest Joys

- making or eating FOOD!
-QT with family/friends/AJ/Remy
-planning surprises

5 Things I Can't Live Without

-trees/fresh air

5 Things I Can Do Without

- pollution
- disrespect for education (system)
- internet site pop-ups
- reckless, corrupt and stingepot governing bodies
- juice from concentrate

i tag you, you, you, you, and YOU!

Monday, November 21, 2005

oh, hamachi!

i am having HUGE cravings for sashimi and other sushi.


you know the stories of people so hungry they have dreams where they eat copius amounts of food and then find themselves chewing their pillow upon waking?

that would TOTALLY happen if i had this!!

almost lunchtime!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


recently, i've come to realize how incredible the ability to hurt another is, and it has aged me, made me weary and hesitant. angry. my brother went through a horrible break-up two weeks ago, with his gf of almost three years. he cycled through a version of Kubler-Ross's 5 stages of dying: Denial (I'm OK); Depression (how could she leave me??); Anger (How dare she do this to me??); Bargaining (I'm going to get this GAP jacket to help me feel better); Acceptance (I'm over her.)

it was heartbreaking to watch him go through it. for the first time, in the context of me and him, i felt powerless to stop the hurt, and it was really unsettling. aren't big sisters supposed to protect their baby brothers? it then made me wonder, what stops someone from crossing that faint line between love and cruelty to say those few words, strike that first blow, to take that first step away?


i had a dream last night that i suddenly discovered an "Aperture" button on the side of my SLR. I was immediately able to take pictures with beautiful depth of field perspectives-something I haven't been able to do well-without having to adjust anything. My first picture was a success as the background blurred away softly and i could focus tightly on the subject; the tiny tiny details filling the viewfinder. My next attempt wasn't as great... I couldn't focus properly and i was beginning to get really frustrated. The overall feeling of victory never dissipated, though.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


okay, i'm sorry, but this is a gorgeous shoe.


also in other news:
-I am SO over the state of Texas and their handsome yet surly ranchers two-stepping with delicate yet strong-willed ladies. OVER IT.
-I can now install bathroom fixtures for anyone, if needed. (I specialize in doorstops and toothbrush holders)

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