: notes to self :


Thursday, May 18, 2006

turn up your noses

i have to admit, i'm a bit of a book snob. i'm not saying that my tastes are high-brow, they're definitely not, but i think i still have a pretty high standard when it comes to preferred reading material. That being said, I realize the irony in working for HQN. i realize it and it makes me laugh, because despite the bad rep HQN may have with some people, the people here work hard, and they care about what they do. I admit, some of the books, mostly the mass market paperbacks, are pretty horrid. trust me, i was a proofreader for over a year-my eyes and brain will never fully recover. but fortunately, the company is trying to gain "credibility" with more literary product, which i think is great. and not only that, they actively pursue and support outstanding volunteers and their organizations with the More Than Words programme. So for people to discount HQN and their successes ESPECIALLY in classrooms, where it is not even acknowledged in discussions about the Canadian publishing industry, they are doing a disservice to the industry.

I never thought i'd be working for a house like this, let alone a multinational like this. but i'm proud of the work i've done. because of my first job with HQN, i know exactly what it's like to really like your job and look forward to coming into work. I know what it's like to have a great manager. I know what it's like to feel supported in your work. How many other people can say that about their job? i'm encouraged with the direction the company is trying to take. of course, the editorial is still unnervingly bad most of the time, but hey, things can only get better, right?

and to those of you who think i've lost my sense of humor or that i've been brainwashed, gifts for you:

from http://worldoflongmire.com/features/romance_novels/readers_covers.htm

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