: notes to self :


Thursday, October 06, 2005


Rules of the game: Post 5 Weird and Random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in line to do this. Also leave a post on their xanga (but do blogspot because it's better) to let these people know.

5 random facts about moi:

1. Although I claim to hate it and list it as one of my most disliked foods, I have never actually eaten natto. when i was younger my dad tried to force me to eat it and i immediately balked. fast forward 18 years later and i watch someone lose all the colour from their face and almost hurl right then and there after eating some. no thanks. I am not adverse to making other people try it though.


2. when i used to figure skate, i couldn't do a sit spin and camel spin, even though i was a Senior. I would always pull out of rotation early because i could never centre my spins properly.

3. if i had to become a dog, i would become a labrador retriever because they like people, are solid and love eating =)

4. I wonder if people who choose to be clowns are secretly manic depressive

5. I really want to track down my Grade 3 homeroom teacher/primary grade French teacher, Ms Louise Tedford, and see how she's doing.

I tag kathy, liz, janice, sharon and dora!

back to ancil o.0

grrr, you know how much trouble I had coming up with FIVE people to tag. Especially since you tagged my concert buddy! I need to meet more people.

re: eating natto. your day will come...
I have to agree with you on the clown thing, and I especially love the image you've selected for that point...

and, you know, it is a small world after all! I was just looking at some of your links...and I cannot believe you know Michelle! Michelle and I worked at the McMichaels many summer agos as summer camp/art instructor...and I met Michelle again when we went to university...she was in a few of my psychology classes, including the horrid nightmare that was "creative psychology". The only thing I learned from that class was that my professor was banned from Las Vegas for life, because he wrote some book on the probability of winning at the slot machine.

anyway, i just need to share the michelle tibit.
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