: notes to self :


Monday, October 24, 2005

the grinch

my mother has ruined Ramadan for my brother's gf's family. Mom, or more affectionately known these days as the "Food Pusher" gave Leila some innocent looking fried tofu balls to take home with her. Little did Seiji or I know that she had substituted the ground chicken for ground...pork. Later that night, Seiji came back, full from a family gathering at Leila's house and questioned the Food Pusher on the contents of the afore mentioned tofu balls.

"Was...there...PORK IN THEM?????"


Everyone erupted into that tense laughter which belies intense horror and disbelief. Amid the din, the Food Pusher kept on protesting her innocence, claiming Leila had told her her parents did indeed eat pork regularly.

"It doesn't matter!!!! Her grandmother wears a HIJAB!!!!!"


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