: notes to self :


Sunday, September 11, 2005


on thursday, my brother took remy out, and for some reason thought it would be a good idea to tie her up to the court door while he played tennis. remy doesn't like being away from her family members, especially when we're in clear sight. as a result, she became really distressed, and started pawing furiously at the asphalt in attempts to extricate herself from an unwanted exile.

when they got home, most of the pads on the bottom of her paws started peeling and fell off. my brother taped her up, and she limped around gingerly for the rest of the night. i came home to this sad bandaged-up version of remy and could only sigh, as she seems to get into lots of trouble whenever seiji decides to take her out.

i didn't see her for the rest of the weekend, but when i got home this morning, she was back to her old self, pads healed, bounding and wagging and pinning me with her adorable come-play-with-me stare. later, when i got back from sending my mom to church, my dad was downstairs, watching the japanese elections on the NHK channel. Remy hurtled down the stairs to be with us, and began wagging excitedly as i pulled out one of her favourite toys.

my dad smiled, stroked her affectionately under her chin and remarked, "genki da ne, remy?" he then turned to me and said, "i think she missed you. she had no energy last night, and just stayed in your room all night. she didn't even want to walk very far yesterday." later my mother, amused by remy's playfulness, said, "oooh remy! you know, she kept on going up and down, up and down to your room looking for you yesterday!"

after lunch, i sat on the kitchen floor with her while she dog-napped in a fat chunk of sunlight and read the sunday paper, always aware of her breathing and her warmth.

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