: notes to self :


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

i have "bulletproof" by blue rodeo stuck in my head

and it's only Tuesday.

siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. it's been a long day so far.

i want to know (are you in the know?)

1.koko niisshoni ikouka? (may 27 dake)
2. is there any advantage to having an flat asian bottom?? click here for some encouragement my fellow yellows.
3. what happened to cdn politicos' sense of integrity? apparently, federal leaders opted out of the veteran's 60th anniversary VE trip to holland to prevent opposition leaders from concocting any moves that could bring down the Liberal minority gov't. instead they kept close to home, attending ceremonies in ottawa, where they could keep a close eye on each other. RIDICULOUS.
4. i kind of understand the whole 'cult'-like atmosphere of the running room now. i will seriously consider walking barefoot on hot tar as an alternative to running on my own (esp. on a treadmill). how did this happen?!

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