: notes to self :


Monday, April 11, 2005


i was reading the ingredients list on the back of my pack of Ricolas. the second-last sentence reads:

Do not use during pregnancy or when breast feeding.


speaking of surprising small packages, i just found out one of my favourite teachers at Hirano Yougougakko is pregnant! I think she and her husband will be awesome parents. Eri and Kenji met while working at the same JHS. She is currently at Hirano, while he is at Ikuno =) Last summer there was a beer garden event for the Ikuno teachers. Kenji asked me if I could teach him any Chinese, because he and Eri were going to China during summer break. Apologizing, I told him I didn't know any Mandarin except for "I love you" "I don't understand" and "Watch TV." (though they are pretty useful if u think about it hahahah). He was disappointed because Eri can speak English really well (studied in London for three years) and so for once, he wanted to be Mr Linguist =) hahahhaha, cute. They actually ended up camping out in Mongolia too! For New Year's, they sent out cards with a cute picture of them grinning in a tall-grass field in Egypt. Lucky baby Mishima =)

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