: notes to self :


Friday, February 04, 2005


so. so. SO. beautiful outside.

i'm very envious of the nursery kids who get to skate on the small rink outside of the civic centre. siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh. i haven't gone skating ONCE this whole winter because there's been no time! argh. so sad =( well...actually, i guess i have, sort of, during Tomo's goodbye party Snow Olympics on the skating rink at Mel Lastman Square in -31 C weather. fun frozen times =) i still can't believe Lena pushed me out of the way to get to the laundry basket!!! geeeeeeeeeeez

i distinctly remember thinking to myself "if i can just finish this week, everything will be ok, and this tiring month will be over." six days later, i'm more rested, but at the same time fearfully anticipating what the upcoming week will be like...once again i will say goodbye to decent amounts of sleep, and hello to increased amts of stress (usually through no one's fault but my own), crazy scheduling and running around Toronto...ack!!

gah. I hope I'm awake for New Year's dinner =/

as much as i complain i'm so blessed to be in the situation I am in. i know this. but too often, i forget. sorry, i'm so lazy with my words a lot of the times. look at it this way, it's good training for genki grand/mothering!

gambaritai to omoimasu.

also: from now on i will tell people i am chinese (indonesian) first and only mention the japanese if pressed further. i wonder what that will do to my mindset, because i've always emphasized the japanese side. not sure how long the experiment will last...i think at least until my birthday.

Are you Korean?
can i be an honourary korean if i marry one? cuz that would be sweet.
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