: notes to self :


Monday, December 06, 2004

first snowfall of the year means....

it took me

4 hours

to get to work.

the staffroom smells like corned beef.
and another zit is rearing its oooogly head. argh!
mary and i have made a date to eat extra-large bowls of pasta in preparation for Hibernation Mode. rawr.

the JLPT is finally over and done with. during the grammar section, everyone (well, at least moi) got to play a fun game called Guessing and Bubbling in Scantrons (i love this game!), while the listening section wasn't too bad. however the kanji portion wreaked havoc on my already shabby memory. i ran into natalie and natsuki which was cool, and the test admin gave us MUFFINS during break! woweeee!

bring on the party kids, i'm freeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

so as is customary at all inmate release parties, the main celebration involved a chick flick (u know, for sensitivity and disillusionment purposes, key attitudes for survival back in the real world). i saw bridget jones 2, and though i want to marry Mark Darcy, the movie wasn't that great. bridget, for the most part, was a complete twit. if i were Mark Darcy, i would've been thoroughly annoyed. right. spit spot, cheerio. or maybe i'm becoming more crotchety...just in time for Christmas! ah, as always, excellent timing Naomi.

ps: let's all forget montreal and go skiing!!!

i found myself looking at ski jackets today...and then i pulled myself back to reality and laughed when i realized i was considering buying a $400 jacket
get over your phobia of online shopping... compushopaphobia if you will, and go to sportmart.ca
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