: notes to self :


Monday, October 18, 2004

not very convincing

darn you boston red sox for tying last night's game in the 9th and then forcing me to keep on watching until the 12th, even though i was dead dead dead tired, when u managed to score on a flukey homerun off quantrill. darn youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

does choosing to be a bosox fan make one masochistic?


i'm mean. but i have v.little sympathy for the bosox after all of those years they spent torturing the Jays (during the Good years) and especially after they traded garciaparra to chicago. no more nomar =(

but i'm glad it's a bosox/yankees series, can't get anymore antagonistic and classic than that. it would have been more interesting though, if boston would have just stopped rolling over and choking in the first three games. alas, curse of the bambino is still in full effect.

game 5 in about an hour and a half...bye bye beantown, it's been nice...

mean! yankees arrogance...slowly..seeping..into...marrow...urk...

IT'S OVER BOSTON, OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i actually heard the phrase "character modification" today. and then was handed an fee sheet for $3000.00 during a meeting with a career consulting company.

later, when relating the whole incident to ots over nasi goreng, i find out that career consultants make my dad angry.



YP Retreat

ha ha! soooo many takoyaki cheeks!
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