: notes to self :


Friday, September 10, 2004

"...reunited, and it feels..."

pretty good. except for a few moments on the plane and in the early gray hours of my first morning here, it's been a lot better than i expected. i think because i was anticipating the Return to be a lot worse, but being back with the family and the most adorable dog in the world has been fun and comfortable. and i'm pretty much over my jet lag i think.

i forgot about wide open spaces...
i was at UT today, and was totally natsukashii for uni days on that beautiful broad green campus. it's the tail end of patio season, and start of the film fest. it's beautifully sunny during the day, and just the right amount of chill at night. fall in toronto is one of my favourite times of the year... it's just clean and crisp... the air is almost..tangy. and of course, sweater season! wooo!!

i have yet to see any friends. i'm a bit apprehensive of the inevitable missteps that will occur when we get together. i hope it doesn't last for very long. i'm also going to church on sunday, and no one knows i'm back... eeee. well the reactions should be amusing =)

so strange so strange so strange.

still miss japan though.

but i'm...home...

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