: notes to self :


Wednesday, June 09, 2004


i am so tired. so TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to sleep for like another hour or something. ugh. reading has become painful. SO TIRED!!

Laura is getting her hair done today, going to the hair salon by herself. I hope know nothing bad will happen...after all, when we went in for the consultation, the guy with the fun sock hat assured her that, yes your hair will have a little hurt, but won`t break =)

more proof that i am slowly losing the english:

(while looking over a lesson plan I made, at Ikuno)

N: Laura, does this make sense, `the remainding 5 students will play TV Star`
L: what? Don`t you mean remaining?
N: .........
(moment of silence to mourn loss of intellect. large sucking noise fills the room.)

I noticed that whenever I take the chuo line in the morning out to Nankominami, I usually have a frenzied conversation in my head with the patrons lucky enough to have seats. It usually consists of me pleading with the person i am standing in front of to get off at the next station so I can have their seat, in attempts to ward off heavy exhaustion. If someone does happen to get up out of their seat, I usually exclaim ecstatically, in my head I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This has happened more times that I`d like to admit.

and my camera`s broken =( something is wrong with the sensor grip, so it`ll be about three weeks till minolty is back. and i lost the warranty. =((((

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