: notes to self :


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

i spy

Success!! I have bullied Konishi sensei into changing allegiances from that gross bitter tea with the blue label, to OOOOI Ocha! Woohoooooooooo! I win! =)

Harry Potter 3 comes out June 26! Rawr! But Ron Weasley looks all frumpy and floppy haired… like a…TEENAGER… shudder. But I`m excited… this is the one where Sirus Black enters the picture.

At the end of April, I went out for dinner with the “young” teachers from Nankominami. It was cool, because I never realized how big of a gossip Kuniko sensei is… you would never really suspect it since he`s the stone-faced gym teacher most of the time. But boys Do gossip!! At dinner I found out that everyone suspects Wada sensei really really likes Maki sensei, but alas, it is probably just a one way love because they think Maki thinks Wada is annoying (phew). So now, everytime the two of them interact, I find myself paying really close attention to their mannerisms. Like today for instance, why did she wear a headband? To look more carefree, festive? Does Maki like festive women? I know he likes maps, but what about festive women? I want to know!!

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