: notes to self :


Monday, May 10, 2004

remember that Ma$e and Puffy song from `98?

I am so tired. I didn`t get enough sleep, since I was talking to (at?) Kathy till about one something. I was reminded how therapeutic and comforting talking with a girlfriend is, and how much I miss the physical presence of my friends. (“what??? You just did what???” “okay, so wait, you think i`m crazy???” “do you want more cheesecake?” “haha, like the AWARD!?”) Girlfriends, now featuring Comfortable Silences, Trustworthy Advice, and matching Thought Patterns! Only for a Limited Time! Funny Jokes and Free Drives not Included. Speaking of all things girly, Maybelline wonder curl mascara, new best friend! On sale for 1000 yen, from 1200.


Yes I know I haven`t been the most responsible person with money. Disposable income has made me a bit insane and more impulsive. You really can tell what a person is like by the way they handle their money, and I have become way more materialistic and selfish, not diverting enough funds to charity/offering. It`s sad and disturbing. I`m pretty apprehensive of ever becoming part of a higher income bracket (not that it`s a strong possibility… Psychology! English! East Asian Studies! Doom!)… i`m just not sure I have what it takes to avoid the pitfalls of materialism which I imagine only get bigger and harder to climb out of the more money one has i.e. i`d never be satisfied with the things i`d have, always wanting newer, shinier, faster. However, I enjoy buying things for other people-that I don`t feel too guilty about-but I definitely need to adopt a Spartan mindset when it comes to thinking about what I actually need. I don`t want to be a Sophie Kinsella cliché =(

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