Thursday, April 22, 2004
After a long day at work (arrival time 9am, departure time 7:15pm) I got to go to dinner with Nishino at a nearby Ohsho (the gyouza wasn`t as good as matt`s ohsho, but had more menu options, rawr). I wish my Japanese was sooo much better, since it was a bit trying having to look up words in the dictionary every few minutes. Nevertheless, I managed to convey my shock and AAGGHHH at the fact that ppl in China sometimes eat monkey brains (“use a spoon! like pudding!”), and that if I had to live with any animal, I would want to live with a turtle cuz he could double as a chair, is quiet, and could be a really fun pool accessory. Also on the list were a koala (cute, vegetarian and thusly inspire me to be such, and quiet) and pandas (could match v.well with a black and white interior, be a fierce bodyguard, cute).
hmmm.... i blame possible sun-stroke/marker fumes for the conversation.
i may complain about the annoying katakana-ization of english words, and how it interferes with "native" pronunciation, but honestly, them katakana words have saved me a time or two when i have been struggling to communicate something in japanese.
"umm... like... know... world? `wa-ludo...`"
"ahhh!!! wa-ludo!!! wakarimashita."
i found my hanko!! it was in my desk at Ikuno, middle drawer. i`m a dork. Mendokusai!!! especially since I cancelled my passbook and already ordered a new hanko. booooo. but i got a stack (literally) of new (burned) cds from Nishino, including....
wait for it...
i`m really looking forward to next week`s lesson... it`s just a normal "how are you, i`m ____" (YES i am teaching them alternatives to "fine"), but for the game, we constructed a huge TV frame, complete with an old school dial, and will get the students to act out the gesture while "on tv." and they`ll have printouts of the gestures to guide them. but kawaiiso cuz they have to deal with pictures that i drew. sigh.
two omiyage:
-i was able to communicate with ishihara kun yesterday during and after class, which was really cool cuz he is autistic. nakagawa sensei told me that he has "savant syndrome." ("saba-nto shindoromu"...oh!!!SAVANT SYNDROME.) Everyday while riding the bus to and from school, the route takes him past 20-30 hospitals. Apparently ishihara remembers the name of every single hospital, AND their phone numbers. the names and numbers are always correct. amazing!!!!
-i played kanji karuta with three of the 3-2 kids, and i got smoked =) was really great.
Thank You.
After a long day at work (arrival time 9am, departure time 7:15pm) I got to go to dinner with Nishino at a nearby Ohsho (the gyouza wasn`t as good as matt`s ohsho, but had more menu options, rawr). I wish my Japanese was sooo much better, since it was a bit trying having to look up words in the dictionary every few minutes. Nevertheless, I managed to convey my shock and AAGGHHH at the fact that ppl in China sometimes eat monkey brains (“use a spoon! like pudding!”), and that if I had to live with any animal, I would want to live with a turtle cuz he could double as a chair, is quiet, and could be a really fun pool accessory. Also on the list were a koala (cute, vegetarian and thusly inspire me to be such, and quiet) and pandas (could match v.well with a black and white interior, be a fierce bodyguard, cute).
hmmm.... i blame possible sun-stroke/marker fumes for the conversation.
i may complain about the annoying katakana-ization of english words, and how it interferes with "native" pronunciation, but honestly, them katakana words have saved me a time or two when i have been struggling to communicate something in japanese.
"umm... like... know... world? `wa-ludo...`"
"ahhh!!! wa-ludo!!! wakarimashita."
i found my hanko!! it was in my desk at Ikuno, middle drawer. i`m a dork. Mendokusai!!! especially since I cancelled my passbook and already ordered a new hanko. booooo. but i got a stack (literally) of new (burned) cds from Nishino, including....
wait for it...
i`m really looking forward to next week`s lesson... it`s just a normal "how are you, i`m ____" (YES i am teaching them alternatives to "fine"), but for the game, we constructed a huge TV frame, complete with an old school dial, and will get the students to act out the gesture while "on tv." and they`ll have printouts of the gestures to guide them. but kawaiiso cuz they have to deal with pictures that i drew. sigh.
two omiyage:
-i was able to communicate with ishihara kun yesterday during and after class, which was really cool cuz he is autistic. nakagawa sensei told me that he has "savant syndrome." ("saba-nto shindoromu"...oh!!!SAVANT SYNDROME.) Everyday while riding the bus to and from school, the route takes him past 20-30 hospitals. Apparently ishihara remembers the name of every single hospital, AND their phone numbers. the names and numbers are always correct. amazing!!!!
-i played kanji karuta with three of the 3-2 kids, and i got smoked =) was really great.
Thank You.