: notes to self :


Thursday, February 19, 2004


Abittooflusteredandscatteredtowriteablogwithcompletesentences List!!

1. parents in Japan, leaving on Sunday. I don`t know how I feel exactly, other than feeling overwhelmed a bit, but in a good way
2. Canon IXY, I love all 3.2 megapixels of you… u make movies and pretty pictures for me. I hope we will be together for a long, long time, and I promise to never look at another digital camera while you are still around
3. I had a weird class today… yajima was arguing with a student on the side for like 30 minutes so I was basically left at the front to entertain the students… I pulled out trusty Hangman and introduced them to SOS… oy
4. it`s beautiful outside
5. proverbs 16:9 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps”
6. Shaun is my best girlfriend in Japan hahahahhah!!! Me, you, Eiko and Chiomi= girls night out!!!! Woohoooooooooo!
7. I miss going to church. I miss JGCT. I need to go back
8. still amazed at my lack of funds… but I will TRUST, and not worry, and just try to be smart about things
9. i found out on White Day, guys can give gifts of candy to their sukinahito, or just to say thank you for the v-day chocolate. if they want to make it clear that they Don`t like the girl, they give "gifts" of marshmallows. yes, cuz nothing says flat out rejection like soft and fluffy gum sugar =)
10. the artists united for africa cd!
11. damien rice, delicate... stunned.

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