: notes to self :


Tuesday, November 25, 2003

send home

i think i need a list fix, so here goes...

recent cheery events

1. remy is getting chubby. apparently at the last vet visit she had gained 20 pounds. hahahah what are my parents doing....
2. popo`s 90th birthday was on sunday, and i think Ee got a roast pig.
3. linda and wayne are some of the best guests ever
4. it`s almost december and it is still gorgeous. canada/toronto take note
5. mary`s emails sound exactly like the way she speaks, with the breaks/pauses and everything... either she`s a super emailer, or she has forgotten what she was writing about mid-sentences...puahahahh
6. the perfect way to spend a lazy holiday monday includes miso soup, a burnt out ALT, the tv, and marinated beef
7. GAP mittens & banana chips (thanks linda, love them =])
8. big whales at Hep 5
9. maccha parfait in Kobe`s "Chinatown"
10. buying plants from Konan... possible addiction starting soon
11. emails from the east coast (oh yeah, Laura said to check out SoHo and H&M for good shopping)
12. I think I`m going to teach at a handicapped school next term and might keep Joyo and Nankominami! yatta!
13. anticipation for booking hawaii tickets & the wedding
14. thinking about Christmas/snow... =)
15. being there to hear Tony exclaim, "Miharu, Lucas has his first tooth!!"
16. ayu got into the college she wanted

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