: notes to self :


Wednesday, November 12, 2003


fall in japan is amazing. coming from the t-dot/markham, where fall is four days in early october, weeks of actual fall-crisp air combined with warm sun and changing leaves makes for a supremely happy me. like today for example... it has been raining and overcast for the past few days, but today... God busted out the sunshine and cool air to cover me as i went to work. ureshii na~ and on top of that, Joyo finished at 12:15 today, making for a v.short work day. So, Mari, Tomoko and I went out for lunch, the assistant school nurse, JTE and the ALT aka the "Young Group" according to Tomoko hahahhaa. we went for lunch at this cool little pasta/dessert place in Kyobashi, populated mostly by young career women. it was really fun, bonding over bread choices (walnut bread, yum!), gooood pasta (Tomoko in horror: "what are the red things?"), delectable desserts that were impossibly rich, talking about boys (Mari: "I have... one way love..." so cute... ), and demonstrating the comb-over. On the way back, Mari was wondering what movie to see on Saturday with her one-way love man (puahahah), so we stopped at a convenience store to pick up movie listings, and on the way back the sun was so bright and warm, but it was still a little bit chilly... Autumn perfection!! Sigh, I really like Joyo, and will be v.disappointed if I have to leave... sigh. AND i got to leave early!!!

I Love Fall in Japan!!!!!!!!!!! the sun makes lovely shadows in the train when it filters through the screens on the windows, making everyone look a little romantic... lovelylovelyautumn.

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