: notes to self :


Saturday, June 14, 2003


wow, amazingly gorgeous day right now. makes me feel like..rollerblading! yes folks, i have decided to buy rollerblades. but naomi, in this time of massive economic uncertainty, especially in your particular case of minimal income reaping, why buy them? well, i have basically given up on running. remember those beluga-like moments which had previously induced random bouts of running? i am no longer vulnerable to that power. alas. so i have to do something else, and a fun and cool alternative is blading! sure my one and only past experience with blading was slightly traumatic, but i'll get over it! yes indeedy! also, in my ongoing quest to be the coolest person alive (and having your mother as your one and only fanbase does not count... ahem...), i figure i could lug 'em over to japan, and possibly blade my way to the different schools? hmmm pipe dream? maybe... but on weekends perhaps. or in a paved area of the schoolground. i could go to a school on the weekends, and slowly do laps around the basketball court by myself. gaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh even my future sounds depressing!!

but anyway, this weekend is rollerblade weekend!

fun moments for today (so far):
1. renee asking her dad if she could continue coming to MoE during the summer b/c we were going to be making a boardgame =)
2. seeing there was no toilet paper on the roll in the upstairs washroom, then immediately spotting a full roll on the counter

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