Sunday, June 08, 2003
i had this and SMRT entry ready to be posted last night but then the laptop pulled a dave matthews and crashed. tonight is my last night of yuppiedom, as the 'top has to return to its corporate digs tomorrow am. ugh, i had such a long weekend, i want to pass OUT. and then i have a sinking feeling that tomorrow will be a long day too. booooooooooooo.... i don't know how 9-5ers do it, i'd seriously be crying right about now.
it was funny, at dinner tonight. michelle mentioned that her tricep hurt but she didn't know why. she hadn't been doing any heavy lifting or anything and then wondered out loud what she had been lifting? then i said, "the weight of the world..." and she took it as a sarcastic remark (which it wasn't). she then observed that i was talking a lot more than usual, and was a lot more sarcastic. i think it was partly because of being around the girls at church, and then having a huge old-fashioned sarcasm-fest with seiji at pacific, while waiting for the slowest jewellery engravers on the face of the earth to engrave FOUR letters. oh, and maybe the tongue was a little loose because of the frustration i had since i mistakenly took bayview south from eglinton and ended up on the bayview extension. Thank you God for Otousan's car. I am SUPER blessed. so basically i felt normal at dinner, which was really cool. maybe it's because of emika too, b/c i find that when i'm around her i'm a lot more verbal. ooh, if i were a superhero, my secret name would be Super Sarcasmo... Here I come to sa-ave the day, spreading sarcastic comments for all to sa-ay...
well, actually.
i don't think i'm as sarcastic as i was in say, high school. back then i think it was bordering on acerbic, or even mean. i think it's now sarcasm lite. a lot more dependant on observation, more seinfeld-ish if you will. and a lot nicer. is there ever such a thing as a nice comic? i doubt it, because comedy usually works on a superiority complex i.e. hahah at least i'm not so silly to have done that. but is observation, judgement? hmmm well, i guess it depends on how the comic phrases it, or their motivation.
i had this and SMRT entry ready to be posted last night but then the laptop pulled a dave matthews and crashed. tonight is my last night of yuppiedom, as the 'top has to return to its corporate digs tomorrow am. ugh, i had such a long weekend, i want to pass OUT. and then i have a sinking feeling that tomorrow will be a long day too. booooooooooooo.... i don't know how 9-5ers do it, i'd seriously be crying right about now.
it was funny, at dinner tonight. michelle mentioned that her tricep hurt but she didn't know why. she hadn't been doing any heavy lifting or anything and then wondered out loud what she had been lifting? then i said, "the weight of the world..." and she took it as a sarcastic remark (which it wasn't). she then observed that i was talking a lot more than usual, and was a lot more sarcastic. i think it was partly because of being around the girls at church, and then having a huge old-fashioned sarcasm-fest with seiji at pacific, while waiting for the slowest jewellery engravers on the face of the earth to engrave FOUR letters. oh, and maybe the tongue was a little loose because of the frustration i had since i mistakenly took bayview south from eglinton and ended up on the bayview extension. Thank you God for Otousan's car. I am SUPER blessed. so basically i felt normal at dinner, which was really cool. maybe it's because of emika too, b/c i find that when i'm around her i'm a lot more verbal. ooh, if i were a superhero, my secret name would be Super Sarcasmo... Here I come to sa-ave the day, spreading sarcastic comments for all to sa-ay...
well, actually.
i don't think i'm as sarcastic as i was in say, high school. back then i think it was bordering on acerbic, or even mean. i think it's now sarcasm lite. a lot more dependant on observation, more seinfeld-ish if you will. and a lot nicer. is there ever such a thing as a nice comic? i doubt it, because comedy usually works on a superiority complex i.e. hahah at least i'm not so silly to have done that. but is observation, judgement? hmmm well, i guess it depends on how the comic phrases it, or their motivation.