: notes to self :


Friday, February 14, 2003

beetle me

i'm at work typing this blog... i'm not sure exactly what kind of changes nurjehan expects... but they're going to be minimal. yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.. my reading week has started!!!!!!! freeee as a biiird... list? ok!!

1. get ready for JET interview
2. work out rest of semester for MoE
4. buy jeans
5. hang out w/mary
6. stop watching carson daly
7. start research papers (EAS, PSY, ENG)
8. finish 456 session review
9. finish at least half of scarf
10. study for Genji test

i just can't belieeeeeeeeve it... one whole week where i don't have to get up early!!!!!!!!!! aahhh...

i realized that i'm a super shallow person... i mean i haven't even called scott mission back to set up a volunteering time yet. argh. and i don't really involve myself w/any sort of political aspirations... what's my charity of choice?????? boooooooooooooooooooooo... yet i will spend a couple of hours surfing abercrombie.com to figure out which t-shirts i want. ho mama. clicking the hunger site doesn't count either. maybe i'll volunteer w/a literacy group...? booooooooo v.depressed now.

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